The ants nest is getting flooded. Lead the colony deeper to survive by leaving a breadcrumb-like trail of pheromones. Rescuing the queen is important but make sure she isn't flying all the time because she can't make any ant babies then. 

Try to get as many ants out but the queen is the most important.  Some ants need to be left to die. 


WASD:  control main ant 

arrow keys:  once you have followers this changes the main ant to the furthest controlled ant in that direction

SPACE: drop a pheromone calling one of the ants from the nest. Ants are stupid they go straight to the closest pheromone they haven't yet passed, so think about where you place them. They act like the breadcrumb trail in Hansel and Gretel, leading the way for the other ants. 

Q : release a queen pheromone to start the queens flight, the queen is also stupid but at least she can fly. She will follow the pheromone path to the queen pheromone. 

R: restart


WASD:  control main ant 

arrow keys:  once you have followers this changes the main ant to the furthest controlled ant in that direction

SPACE: drop a pheromone calling one of the ants from the nest. Ants are stupid they go straight to the closest pheromone they haven't yet passed, so think about where you place them.  They act like the breadcrumb trail in Hansel and Gretel, leading the way for the other ants.

Q : release a queen pheromone to start the queens flight, the queen is also stupid but at least she can fly.  She will follow the pheromone path to the queen pheromone. 

Try to get as many ants out but the queen is the most important.

R: restart

PS: The game is quite buggy, pun intended

Post-Jam: I added the lines to provide more clarity


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