Made for Ludum Dare 43:

I wanted to make a game based on evolution and sacrificing the weak to make a superrace, spartan style ;) I ended up making something RTS-like game because this way you can control and kill off a lot of characters which is needed to have enough generations to ‘evolve’. I ended up making the bare minimum but I’m still proud of implementing everything like selecting multiple units from scratch. Hope you have fun.


  • drag left/ right mouse: select single or multiple units
  • click left mouse: move to location
  • click right mouse: move to location but if enemy is in range attack
  • if a unit is attacked it will automatically fight back
  • 'R' restarts game


  • the ‘pits’ in the left bottom and top right corner can be used to kill off units but you can’t fall into the oponents pit
  • the numbers on top of the units represent their attack power
  • the longer a unit lives the more its ‘genes’ will affect the next spawned unit’s attack power
  • the number inside the pit represents the average attack power of the gene pool: simply said the higher this number the more chance of the next unit having a high attack

More explicitly: the ‘average attack power' is determined by multiplying each units attack power by the time it is living and adding these together and dividing by the total time lived. Also a number of dead units are still taken into account, with the time they had lived. So in a formula av=sum(A_i*t_i)/sum(t_i) with A_i and t_i the attack power and time alive of unit i. The next spawning unit is determined as a combination of two units plus some mutation chance. The longer a unit has lived the more chances it had to ‘mate’ and the more chance it will have to be a ‘parent’ of the newly spawned unit.


  • be genetically superior for 15 generations, the average attack power should be higher than your opponent's 

Please give me some much needed feedback ! Harsh > dishonest ;)

Disclosure:  I have changed the win condition a bit to make it a bit more playable 


Cheela5.jar 9.5 MB

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